Books of Note

Friday, February 5, 2010

Something short that makes me giddy

I promise a much longer post this weekend.  It will be brimming with books and wit and good humor and pithy observations on the human condition, I promise.

This evening I can bring you only this:

I'm out of my gourd with excitement.  And to think that's only the short review.  A longer review of The Spice Kitchen and other cookbooks will appear on after the weekend.

Suddenly my overwhelming need for a nap, an extra pair of hands, and two more hours per day seems much less overwhelming.  Who needs a nap?  I'm going to go celebrate with a brat with sauerkraut, a good German beer, and a stroll around an art gallery.


  1. Congratulations! You deserve it. It's exciting to see your passion being recognized.

  2. Thanks! It's a real pleasure getting involved in the book world the way I have been lately. So many books, so much to say about them!
